Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Act One over all

At first this act started off a little confusing, but as I went along I started to understand the main points. I think this will be challenging to act out considering there is so many emotions of all the people. Especially the fight at the beginning and also how Romeo is sad because the girl he likes doesn't like him. I still think it will be a lot of fun.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Act One: Scene Seven

One of the Capulets found out that Romeo was at the party and got mad, but Lord Capulet told him not to be bothered. Then Romeo and Juliet found each other and kissed.

camera angles, camera angles, camera angles

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Act One: Scene Six

Romeo and his friends are going to a party. Romeo doesn't think he can do it because he is so sad, but his friends talk him into it. They also talk about this dream fairy that makes people dream of things that they want to do. They end up becoming late for the party.

Well I don't really have much of an idea for this one here... sorry

Act One: Scene Five

Juliet's mom talks to her about finding a husband and offers it to be this guy named Paris who is good looking and has money. She also doesn't want Juliet to care what their personality is like because if they are pretty on the outside, they are pretty on the inside. Also the nurse is just babbling about when she was little she hit her head and somehow found it funny... Anywhosle Juliet said she would check him out and not look for the personality, and went down to the feast.

Well they would probably describe Paris as hot and Juliet want to know about his personality, but the friend thinking that that doesn't matter. And they would probably be talking about this in Juliet's house until the guests start knocking on the door. Or  Just be ready to go to the dance and someone coming to pick them up.

Act One: Scene Four

Romeo tells his friend about why he is sad. He is sad because he likes Rosaline and she doesn't like him back. His friend gets him to go to the ancient feast of the Capulets and find someone else who looks better.

They could be walking in the hallways or something talking about this.

Act One: Scene Three

Juliet's parents are chit chatting about how they need to  get Juliet married soon because other girls younger than her are already mothers. They decide to throw a party so they get a list of the people of their same social status and invite them, which includes Romeo's family.

Well one idea that I had would be that the parents aren't actually their parents but their friends. Also that this party would be like a litteral party at Juliet's house or something. Either that or a school dance.

Act One: Scene Two

Romeo's mom and dad are talking about how Romeo hasn't been acting himself lately and that he is sad. I couldn't really think of any thing that would be relevant to my part here.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Act One: Scene One

Basically both of the families got in a public fight somewhere in town. The prince got really mad at them and told them that they can't do that again.
One idea would be that they could like have it starting off where Juliet and/or Romeo is watching from the window and then it goes to street view. So its basically like where its what goes on through their eyes.